Driver Awareness Courses

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Sometimes people are too much in a rush and find themselves jumping a red light or breaking the speed limit without any real thoughts to the consequences these could lead to. Now unless you’ve been given an NIP (Notice of Intended Prosecution), you wouldn’t worry too much about the motoring laws you’ve broken and will carry on with your life.


Although safety should be a top priority for everyone, many drivers find themselves in breach of the Highway Code. For some, they unknowingly go through a red light because perhaps they have misjudged the speed they were travelling at and the distance they were from the traffic signals but for others, it’s the mischief in them that gets them to drive a lot faster than others even though they are not in a rush. It might just be the thrill of being an outlaw I suppose or the ‘routine feeling’ because you’ve been doing it all too often now.

Think safety first!

No matter what the reason is, there are serious dangers for not obeying the Highway Code as that could result in a fatal accident. So forget about damages to your car, we’re talking about more important things here like how precious your life is and how much do you value those of your passengers and other road users.

The Department for Transport (DfT) has therefore decided to offer re-training courses for traffic offenders as an alternative to prosecutions but only for people who have made a mistake and the education is going to benefit both the driver and other road users and not in circumstances where there was an intentional or reckless act.

Upon successful completion of these courses, the driver would not be liable to any fine or incur any penalty points on their licence for their motoring offence. However the courses are only offered to someone once in a 3 year period and depend on the severity of the offence for eligibility to enroll.

Driver Awareness Schemes (DAS) available

Speed Awareness Course

This speed awareness course is mainly to educate people on the dangers of speeding. It’s definitely worth attending rather than going to the court to be convicted.

Traffic Light Awareness Course

When drivers are caught going through a red light at the traffic signals, they might be referred onto this course which lasts for 3 and half hours instead of getting a fine of £60 and 3 points on their licence.

Seatbelt Safe Course

The seatbelt safe course is designed for people who have been caught not wearing a seatbelt while travelling in a vehicle. It is an online course that costs £25.54.

Drink Driving Course

For those who have been caught driving under the influence of alcohol, the drink driving course will enable them to see why this is really dangerous.

Driver Diversion Course

The driver diversion course is designed for people who’ve been distracted while driving. This includes using a mobile, eating, driving without proper control etc. It costs £85 and lasts for 2 and half hours.

DAS schemes are run only in certain areas

The opportunity to go on the above awareness courses depends on the authorities where you live. If the police forces do not currently support these schemes, you will unfortunately have to face the prosecution but in the event you are offered any of these courses, do not delay and get yourself enrolled as you will not only learn more about how to ensure safety on the roads but you won’t get points on your licence and have fines to pay.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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