How to find out when driving ban ends?

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I was banned from drivng for 12 months and before it ended I got another ban for 18 months on Jan 2008. How will I know when my ban is ending?

4 Replies

gices Level 6

There are a few ways for you to check when your driving disqualification is ending as listed below:

  • You can contact DVLA on their general enquiries number (0300 790 6801) and ask for this information.
  • You can contact your lawyer/solicitor if you were represented in court.
  • DVLA sends a D27 reminder which shows the date when the driving ban ends.
  • You can also check online if you received your driving licence after making an online application.
  • You can contact the court which sentenced you and ask for a Certificate of Conviction which will have the date when your disqualification is going to be removed.

In your case, maybe calling DVLA is going to be the best option because of the two bans that you have. Let me know how that goes for you.

1 Reply
carmendias Level 1

How can I find out when a driving ban on provisional licence ends

Any pointers?

davidlayton Level 1

How much alcohol are you allowed in your blood?

anonymous_2 Level 1

35 mg

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