Consequences of driving without L-plates and supervision

Hi there, I am in big trouble now. Since few months i am sick because of the driving offense that i made. I got 3 points on my license for driving with out full license and L-plates on my car. After one month i made same offense. I know i am a stupid. It's really a stupidity. Now i received summons from court. So my doubt is what kind of punishment do i get...? How severe it could be...? I am financially very weak. I can't afford much fine. But I am not bothered about license. I am much worried about fine only. I even sold my car after this incident. Can any one help me with your valuable suggestions pls. And also can some one tell me how to write a plea of mitigation letter. THANKS A LOT.
6 Replies
What is the penalty for driving with no learner plates when I have not passed my test?
My daughter's friend has not passed her test but insists on driving her car on her own. What would be the penalty if she was caught?
What an irresponsible driver and how come the mother does nothing to stop her? They are both breaking the law, the mother by knowingly letting her daughter drive when she knows she shouldn't and the daughter for taking the car without permission, on a provisional licence, not displaying 'L' plates and driving without supervision. The penalty for driving without supervision and not displaying 'L' plates has a maximum fine of £1,000 and penalty points between 3-6. The mother can also face a fine for letting her daughter driver her car knowing she only holds a provisional licence.
No licence 3-6 points and up to £pound;1000 fine. No insurance 6-8 points and up to £5000 fine. Possible disqualification. Huge insurance premiums in the future. Mother convicted of aiding and abetting. Death by Dangerous Driving up to 14 years in prison, unlimited fine, knowing you've killed someone.
3 points for driving without supervision, how long before they expire?
I had three points off my provisional license for driving without supervision. How long would it take to get my three points back?
If you have been driving without displaying "L" plates which notifies other people that you're still a learner and you were found not accompanied by someone who is over 21 and having a clean driving licence for the past 3 years, you will face 3-6 points on your licence and a fine upto £1,000. Some people have got Fixed Penalty Notice of £60 but that really depends how serious the court classify your motoring offence. You need to be prepared to pay the maximum fine and if you get anything lower than that, then it is a bonus for you.
I drove my dads car on a provisonal licance and no L plates my dad was sat next to me and he has insurance but I don't and have to go to court because police caught me, what will happen?
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