Penalty for not displaying the L Plate while teaching someone to drive
What is the penalty for not displaying the L Plate while teaching someone to drive. I have had a clean driving licence for the past 11 Years. My student has a full automatic UK driving licence (for 3 Years) The car was manual? Please help
1 Reply
As it stands now the law is 6 points and 120 pounds fine for each l plate missing and it will take 4 years for the points to clear. you should have known better and also the police will prosecute you for no insurance as not displaying l plates will invalidate your insurance and the learners insurance the police will notify your insurance company they will cancel your insurance right away the problem you will face is that when you go to renew your insurance you will find that insurance companies will refuse to insure you and the very rare ones that will insure you they will charge you triple to quadruple than what you are paying now. if you havent heard from police of this prosecution as of yet do not think you got away with it, you will receive prosecution court hearing notification usually a few months later.
sorry to disapoint you but i was in the traffic police for last 20 years. funny thing is we call our society a free society lol, there is no freedom what so ever. and believe you me its going to get much much more strict within next few years and we will still call our selves free!!
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