Advanced Driving Courses

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Learning to drive can be quite hard but there are things that you can do to make the whole process easier. For example, advanced driving courses are useful for drivers of all ages and can make getting your driving licence this little bit easier if followed properly. Both experienced and new drivers who have just passed their test benefit from them as well.

Research conducted by some people from Brunel University has shown that when drivers take advanced driving courses, their skills improve, especially in the field of using all mirrors, keeping safe distances from other road users, cornering, changing gear and even optimising the driver’s seating position. One group of drivers studied took advanced driving lessons, while the other two groups did not. The drivers in the group who did not have advanced lessons did not improve over the two year period of the research and some actually got worse. So there is a need to upgrade your skills for your own and other road users’ safety if you lack essential driving skills.

Advanced driving lessons can be taken in your own car, provided you have adequate insurance, or in the driving instructor's car. Usually a senior driving instructor will assess your skills, and then tailor the course to your needs, addressing your perceived weak points. When you complete the course there will be a test, which will consist of an eyesight check, a check of the car, and your driving documents as well as your driving skills.

The course will teach you how to cope in the constantly changing conditions you experience when driving on any road. You know that there is always someone who does something foolish and unexpected, and these courses help you to react quickly, and to assess the situations you find yourself in. You will drive in circumstances where there is no risk, or at least, little possible danger, in medium risk situations, where there is some potential danger to others, and in high risk situations, when you will need to take evasive action to prevent accident and injury.

In the test, you will usually have to perform one reversing manoeuvre, perhaps into a parking space or a side road, and there might be an emergency stop for you to perform as well. At the end of the test you will be asked a question about personal safety while driving, vehicle security, and environmental issues. Your examiner will give you feedback at the end of the test so you will know what areas could be improved, and what your strengths are.

You are graded at different levels, the highest being (according to British School of Motoring standards) platinum, then gold, silver and ungraded or failed. You will need to be retested every 3 years if you were given the platinum grade, and every two years at the other grades.

The advantages of taking an advanced driving course are that you need this qualification if you want to become a driving instructor, and your insurance premiums will be lower as you have proved that you are a skillful driver. Of course, the personal advantages outweigh these as you should be a safer driver, and you will have learned how to cope in potentially dangerous situations. In fact having advanced driving lessons could save your life and the lives of others too.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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