Driving Test Routes

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In order to maximise your chances of passing the driving test, it is crucial to familiarise yourself with the driving test routes that the examiner will take you on when you decide to sit the test. The test routes vary from one test centre to another but you can get to know the actual routes if you take driving lessons with an experienced local instructor. You can get it from the DSA website as well and I'll show you where in a minute because there's something important that I want you to understand before.

Some people may argue that passing the driving test these days has become very difficult as examiners tend to be very strict and will fail you for silly reasons but that's not the case. Everyone wants the roads to be safe and if you've got the driving skills, then you've got what it takes to be a good driver and nothing can snatch that full driving licence from you. However if you're just going for the driving test because you want it quick (maybe you want the achievement of getting your full driving licence at 17), then you might be overlooking important things when you're learning to drive because your focus is not on becoming an independent and qualified driver but someone who's legally entitled to drive. There's a big difference between the two and I've seen people who've just passed their driving test and still cannot manage to do a simple bay parking.

Knowing all the manoeuvres is essential and being able to perform them with ease takes time and practice. When you feel that you are able to drive anywhere on your own without any problems, then you can say you are ready to take on the driving test. Things like 5 exit roundabouts shouldn't scare you as well as parallel parking when you can clearly see vehicles behind you waiting for the manoeuvre you've started to complete.

_Practising the driving test routes will give you a distinct advantage because you will know the roads and be familiar with the surroundings_but don't let the fact that you've passed your test be a game of chance because afterwards you might regret it when you are unable to cope with the more advanced driving skills that you require on a daily basis. It is important to note that the test routes followed by driving examiners do not show where you will be asked to stop to perform manoeuvres. It can be anywhere along the routes and it is therefore primordial that you are able to complete manoeuvres like left turn comfortably no matter where you required to do them.

Weather conditions and traffic factors play an important role on your ability to drive upto your maximum potential on the day of your test and you shouldn't let this put you down. Once you've completed all the elements covered in the DSA syllabus and have demonstrated ability to drive competently, you can download the driving test routes for your test centre and examine the roads you'll be taking and subsequently practice driving on these roads so that you're more confident when you go for your actual driving test. Once you get to the DSA website, you will be able to enter your postcode or choose your county and then select the driving test centre you're booked in and it will show you a list of routes used by the driving examiners in that particular test centre.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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