Can I teach someone to drive if I have been disqualified before?

I've had my licence since 2007 but I lost it in 2009 for a DR10 which was a 20 month ban but I got it back in 2011 and now I've got my sister in law wanting me to help teach her to drive so I would like to know whether I could because I'm now 24 now and I've had my licence back for nearly two years but I'm unsure whether I have to start my experience again from getting my licence back, so could someone please help me as I'm really unsure?
1 Reply
To supervise a learner, you need to satisfy the 2 conditions below:
- You need to be over 21 years old
- You need to have held a valid driving licence for at least 3 years
So you do not have a problem with the age restriction. For the second condition, we can break it into 2 parts. The first one is about having a valid licence which you do because your driving ban has been lifted as it has already expired 2 years back. The second one is about having held a licence for at least 3 years and you've had yours since 2007, which is 6 years now. Even though you've been disqualified for an amount of time during which you had your license, you still had your licence since you passed the test and therefore you meet all the criteria to be able to supervise a learner.
The only exception would be if you've had to resit your driving test as part of the ban which the court imposed on you and under those circumstances, the length for holding a licence would be counted as from when you passed the extended practical test.
So to cut it short, yes you can teach your sister-in-law how to drive.
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