I drove into a colleague's car at work with a forklift am i liable for any damage?

Last Saturday I was doing some overtime and after my tea break I got on my forklift and started it. Before I knew what had happened I jolted backwards and hit a wrongly parked car of my colleague. Am I liable for any damage as the company's policy states parking is at own risk.
Many thanks,
2 Replies
If your job involves operating a forklift and while doing your job this happened, then it's the employer who would be liable, not you.
Now a "Park at your own risk" sign does not necessarily immune someone from their responsibility. However in your case, the sign is there to draw attention that the area may be unsafe and by parking there you're assuming that risk. So in that line of thinking, I think your employer's liability can be disputed.
Note that I'm not a lawyer by any means and what I said above is just my opinion based on the facts you provided.
yes I was at work within work hours and yes my job does involve working with a forklift Thanks alot for your advice!
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