Am I supposed to be liable for my second driver’s accident claim?

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My son was my second driver, He had involved in two accidents within last six months. Both accidents were his fault. So my insurance company claimed my five years No claim bonus down to zero, it’s ok no problem, but my son’s whole claim and fault not supposed to add on my name isn’t? This makes my premium sky high. I think this is not fair. Please need your suggestion.

2 Replies

gices Level 6
Unfortunately that's the risk you're taking when naming additional drivers on your car insurance policy. Your no claims bonus will be reduced if they have an accident where they are at fault. The same thing happened to me and yes it is not fair but that's how the insurance industry works.

You will definitely see a huge increase in premiums if your NCB has been reset to zero but remember that the accident remains on your son's name and not yours. As far as you are concerned, you still have a perfect driving record, that is, no accidents/no claims on your behalf, the only difference now is that you don't have any NCB to bring your quotes down.
chloepark1 Level 1

registered keeper responsible if insured person offends

I am the registered keeper of my vehicle.My partner is the main driver of the vehicle if he committed an offence such as drink driving could I be prosecuted for letting him use the vehicle?

[Migrated from previous topic 12594 dated 06 Feb 2015]

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