Do they test for drugs as well as alcohol during the DVLA medical?

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I have a dvla medical, do they test for drugs as well as drink when taken blood and urine tests if I was only banned for drink driving?


9 Replies

gices Level 6

The purpose of the DVLA medical test is to ascertain whether you are fit to drive. Most people will undergo this test if they have been caught drink driving and if you're considered a high risk offender (HRO). So when you go to your GP (or another doctor), they will have to perform any tests they think is relevant for you before they can report back to DVLA. The usual test that is carried out is alcohol related but they can check for drugs in your system as well. The following drug misuse and dependence can be tested for:

  • Cannabis
  • Amphetamines
  • Ecstasy (MDMA)
  • Ketamine & other psychoactive substances, including LSD and Hallucinogens
  • Heroin
  • Morphine
  • Methadone
  • Cocaine
  • Metamphetamine
  • Benzodiazepines

Source : PDF Doc on page 88

Before sending a report on your fitness to drive to the DVLA, the doctor may perform any additional tests that he thinks is important for your situation. Therefore some people may have just a few tests carried out on them while others may have a lot more before they are issued back their licences.

You can buy this 7 in 1 drug test kit to make sure you're clear of any suspected substance.

anonymous_2 Level 1

I am a heroin addict and have my DVLA medical blood test a week today. Does anyone know how long it takes to clear out the body completley? Thanks!! PANIC

anonymous_2 Level 1

it will be out of your system after 7 days as long as you eat and drink healthy

christajocelyn Level 1

Thanks@Gices, I know it’s something that has to be done and I’m going to make sure I find time to get it done hopefully they’ll be lenient like you say.

v90i9 Level 1

Applied voluntarily for a c1 and was requested to do a drug test as I am a high risk offender in the past. Will they revoke my licence all together or refuse my c1 if it came back positive

MAUL Level 1

Hello, I am going for my medical in the morning from being banned from driving for alcohol. I haven't drunk now for 12 months but I had a pipe yesterday. Will they be testing me for drugs. Or just alcohol? I don't smoke this with tobacco, just skunk as you would know as grass.

gices Level 6

I am sorry I couldn't reply to you sooner and this pretty pointless for me to say anything now because you've already been to your medical test. So how did it go? Did you pass or did they fail you? I hope everything worked out for you in the end and would like to hear your comments regarding what happened.

anonymous_2 Level 1

Yes they do. They take blood and urine. They definitely test your urine for drugs but I''m not sure if what they check your blood for. I'm hoping it's just for alcohol (liver function). They take blood pressure and want to check your body for any scars? Random I know. Hope this helps.

anonymous_2 Level 1

I have recently taken the medical I am not dependant on alcohol or drugs but i do ocasionally use both, I have been drinking less than 2 weekly last month but before that hadnt been out for months, the last time I smoked cannabis was ages ago and I did do some pills on new years eve.

I told all this to the doctor even though I could have lied because I know the drugs wont be in my system, when I say drugs I mean the pills new years eve so 9 months ago and a bit of weed ages ago. I am waiting on my results the doctor said he couldnt see a reason I wouldn't get my licence back but because of the admissions I made to my past they might request a drug test. What's your opinions people and for any one whos got a medical coming up I hope you find this usefull and I will let you know what happens next.

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