How long should I stay away from alcohol prior to drink driving medical test?

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I was banned from driving 4 years ago for being 4 times over the legal limit and since this happenned, I only drink on special occasions and it's my 25th birthday on the 8th of November and I've got the drink driving ban medical on the 25th of November? Would this affect my test results?

15 Replies

gices Level 6

I've heard people who have refrained from alcohol consumption 3 weeks prior to their medical test fail their liver function test. You are so close to getting back your licence and it would be a shame to take such a risk after waiting for 4 years.

To increase your chances of getting back your licence, you may want to consider following these tips to clear your liver from alcohol shared by others who were in a similar situation as you.

Once cleared, you can then celebrate both your birthday and getting back your licence - bearing in mind not to drink and drive again though!

anonymous_2 Level 1

I don't drink (often at all) so never realized the consequencs when I got drunk after a blazing row with wife. I was stopped and breathalised and then banned.

I never touched a drop for 14 months but had about 6 light cocktails at my partners 40th last night. I understood the gamma levels only rise after chronic alcohol consumption so despite having my medical in a week I drank the equivalent of 7 pints.

I don't drink much or do drugs but am still concerned just this one time may put me in trouble.

Am I right to worry or is the gamma only raised after prolonged use in which case 7 pints (equiv) in one go a week before the test is ok (nothing i can do about it now anyway).

crossfire Level 1

No alcohol for 6 months, will I pass DVLA medical test?

I was a saturday night drinker only had my dvla test today; still worried have not had a drink of alcohol for six months not a drop; gym it 3 days a week eat well. Am I going to pass? Got dvla test for drink driving.

gices Level 6

You show a lot of commitment by not having a single drop of alcohol for 6 months and changing your lifestyle by going to the gym and eating well. This will definitely improve your overall health and help to flush out alcohol in your liver. However depending on the previous level of alcohol abuse, the length of time to clear out your system will vary accordingly but your GP should be able to tell you how you are doing if you ask about your progress.

Fingers crossed, you should get a positive reply back. Anyway good luck and let us know how your test went.

bill_1 Level 1

Are you applying early? Make sure you haven't been in the company of hash smokers as you will be tested for it.

luannon Level 1

At what point do they do the medical before getting your licence?

I'm due to take a dvla medical soon. I'm due to have my licence back on 6th Dec how soon before that do they do the medical? How long should you refrain from drinking? I'm taking Milk Thistle, does this help?

fickle Level 1

Milk Thistle certainly helps and moderate drinkers usually abstain from alcohol for 1-2 weeks but if you're a heavy drinker, you might want to go without a drink for a longer period.

anonymous_2 Level 1

Thank you, this whole experience has been quite a daunting one!!

Danny_5 Level 1

Is 9 weeks enough?

Hi I was really silly and got caught drink driving last year.. I am now coming up to the end of my ban and have to take a medical.. does anyone know much about the medical ? After what my tutor has told me on my driver awareness course I am so nervous due to the fact I have drink fairly heavy most weekends for the past few months - also have taken coke and MDMA not much but still so scared of failing the medical. I have read on this site and found some answers I was looking as far as the drinking is concerned - can anyone tel me is 9 weeks completely drink and drug free going to pass the test?

qwerty13 Level 1

OMG I'm worrying about it! This is a joke, ain't sleeping I have 10 days till mine and I went out monday nite and got very drunk!!! They can't surely expect us to not drink at all.... that's insane, everyone like a drink!!! gosh man!!! stressing!!!! kaylee

anonymous_2 Level 1

I had my dvla medical 3 weeks ago and got my licence back no problem
I have a drink (only light beer) every night and only stopped drinking 1 night before the test.
I think they are after the hardcore drinkers that are on a bottle of vodka a day.
I have to admit though I was worried they would not give me the licence back. It was a vey tense 3 weeks waiting! Now I have to face the sky high insurance quotes I'm getting!!!

dean_1 Level 1

I know absolutely ridiculous! If the DVLA tested every driver in the UK we would all be using the train or bus!!

Why should normal drivers be Alienised for having a social drink, as long as we are sensible and obviously not get behind the wheel!

Fed up with DVLA dictating you should only have x amount of units per week or they will take your license away!

If I get behind the wheel of a vehicle over the limit, fair enough. However, they can sod off, if I want to exceed the ‘recommended alcohol intake ‘ that’s my business!

Lisa_2 Level 1

I had recently had a LFT and it came back perfectly fine, I am due to have a DVLA medical in 2 days and have not had a drink for 10 days, will I pass this?

anonymous_2 Level 1

I'm a heavy drinker 2 weeks before I had my medical I just used to eat lots of fruit grapefruits oranges and lots of blueberrys drink 3 litres of volvic water a day and take 2 milk thistle tablets a day, you can buy them from tesco for £3.50 take multi vitimins as well .3 weeks after my medical my licence came in the post...

Sid Level 1

Hi, I have soon to take my dvla medical after my drink driving ban. Does anyone know how strict they are on liver damage? I still drink time to time but nowhere as near as much as I did before. So, does anyone know how damaged the liver can be to still regain a licence?

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