Drink driving car insurance

There are obvious risks with drink driving which could result in the writing off your car or someone else's vehicle, injuring yourself or your loved ones, or even killing passengers or some innocent road users.
The sad truth about drink driving
Many companies will simply not want to do business with you if you have been convicted of drink driving; once that conviction goes on your file, it will become very hard to find an affordable car insurance quote. The companies which will be willing to take the risk will penalise you to a huge degree. You may find that your insurance premiums jumps up by 3 or even 4 times what it was before you got caught drink driving and as a result cheap quotes are a thing of the past and you'll have to live with that.Many drivers will try to avoid the huge increase in their car insurance quotes by not declaring the drink driving conviction they have, however that's a bad idea because you will end up paying your car insurance premiums for no cover at all as the insurers will refuse payout in the event of a claim due to non-disclosure of information. As soon as you have an accident and make a claim the insurer will then make enquiries and discover the undeclared conviction for drink driving that you have and subsequently nullify your policy with them and leave you liable for all damages and costs which need to be settled.
The best way to avoid pricing yourself out of the car insurance market is to avoid drinking when you have to drive. Many people who are caught are not "blind drunk"; they are simply a little over the limit. Possibly, in their minds, they not a risk to other road users, but the courts will still find them guilty and with any kind of drink driving records, car insurance companies react very badly and start thinking in terms of 5 digits for car insurance premiums.
Got a DR10 or DR20, can I get cheap car insurance?
A DR10 is issued to someone who is driving or attempting to drive with alcohol level above limit while a DR20 is given to somebody who is driving or attempting to drive while unfit through drink. You will get between 3-11 penalty points and a DR10/DR20 will stay on your licence for 11 years from the date of conviction. Insurers usually ask for any convictions within the last 5 years though so after a period of five years, you can stop declaring this offence but that means you're likely to get expensive quotes for at least 5 years.There are now specialist companies which can help drink drivers get good rates on car insurance and can offer assistance in working with insurers to negotiate a better deal for you. This is not an easy way to 'get off' with your drink driving and insurers may put restrictions on your driving and on the policy itself but at least you will get a valid car insurance. Please check Adrian Flux, DNA Insurance or Acorn Insurance for your convicted driver quotes.
13 Replies
20 days car insurance for someone with 2 convictions including a DR10
Hi I'm looking for 20 days coverage for my car as I'm deploying to afghanistan 1st of sept. However I have two convictions one including a dr10 and I cannot seem to find anyone to insure me. Would you be so kind as to call me and give me a quote if thats possible?
[Migrated from previous topic 11325 dated 18 Aug 2010]
I am a dr10 covicted driver who has just past my test and would like to get insured for one day only in my car to bring it home as I have just bought it.
[Migrated from previous post 1209 dated 26 Aug 2010]
Hi I'm looking for 20 days car insurance and I have a dr10, I just want to be covered for christmas but I keep getting high quotes can you help?
[Migrated from previous post 1435 dated 13 Dec 2010]
Drink driving and company car
I lost my licence 5 and a half years ago for drink driving. I have had my licence back for 3 years now and have no points or further convictions. I have recently got a new job which includes a company car. In the first interview I was asked if I had ...
[Migrated from previous topic 12075 dated 14 Mar 2011]
Your question got trimmed, what did you want to ask?
[Migrated from previous post 1611 dated 14 Mar 2011]
Convicted for drink driving at 22 and now wants to drive again
Hi people, My boyfriend was convicted for drink driving even though he only had the key in the engine when he was 22. He is now 27 and wants to get a car again, he is not sure if he needs a medical test and if he does he is prepared to stop drinking.
[Migrated from previous topic 11345 dated 24 Aug 2010]
Your question did not get saved properly because you exceeded the character limit on the question subject. You should have used the field for additional details instead. Anyway what was the last bit of your question?
[Migrated from previous post 1199 dated 24 Aug 2010]
Whoops. Anyway his best friend's wedding is coming up and he's the best man and of course he was hoping to have a few drinks? What I'm wondering is how long can he not drink for before a test, and is there a limit for example a few glasses of wine and a couple pints of beer, and is he ok to still come out with us on the weekends for a couple? Also can they track everything because we have come back of holiday in amsterdam and had a few hash cakes and weto cafes. As well as that seeing as he has no other crimnal offence and it was 5 years ago will they still test him... and once he has sent his driving licence form off will they notify if this is needed and how long does it usually take to have a test arranged? Sorry for so many questions just really curious and he seems so keen to drive again and he is so much more responisble. Any anwers are appreciated. Thanks :)
[Migrated from previous post 1200 dated 24 Aug 2010]
Right, first things first. You said he was banned 5 years ago but you didn't mention how long his ban was for. If his driving ban has expired, then when he makes an application for his driving licence, he would be notified if he needs to do a medical test. If the DVLA thinks the medical is important before returning his licence, he will get confirmation what needs to be done next.
The DVLA medical for drink drivers start with the GP of the person concerned. The medical is based on liver function tests and it's hard to tell whether he should completely abstained from alcohol without knowing how badly your boyfriend's liver is affected. Therefore he will need to take it a step at a time. If the ban is over, then apply for the licence straight away. If a medical is required, ask his to consult his GP to know where he stands.
[Migrated from previous post 1203 dated 24 Aug 2010]
Caught drink driving at 97 micrograms
hi, i was caught drink driving at 97 micrograms. I have been driving for about 18 months and have never had any previous driving convictions or problems with the police. Although i was drunk i also believe my drink was spiked.
[Migrated from previous topic 11549 dated 23 Oct 2010]
Seems that the last part of your question was lost. What did you want to say?
[Migrated from previous post 1347 dated 23 Oct 2010]
I think a DD ban is one of those 'Rehabilitation of Offenders' matters and not the normal 'four years for insurance purposes' thing. Meaning you have to declare it for ten years from the date of conviction. At least, that's what I think...
I was banned for 17 months in Feb 2007. When do i have to stop declaring my ban? Feb 2012 or July 2013? Does it start from the date i got banned or the date my ban finshes?
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