Why premiums go up after drink driving conviction?

I dont understand why insurance companies are able to put your premiums up after being convicted of drink driving. In fact if you actually check the small print of you policy, it will state that "if you are involved in an accident whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs this policy will automatically become void", so can you tell me where the logic in rising insurance prices comes from since they are not at an loss if you do commit another offence?
2 Replies
if you drink drive that clearly shows your not a good driver and become a high risk of having a claim! and no insurance companies want to insure a driver at a higher risk therefore they increase the premium! and right they are! what if that driver killed someone - death by drink driving. who on earth wants to insure that driver!
Insurance underwriting is essentially the assessment of risk and the lower the risk factor, the better it is for insurance companies and the less you will pay in premiums. Drink driving is both a serious and dangerous offence. Not only drink drivers are a threat to themselves but to others as well. If involved in an accident, life could be at stake and damage could be done to the vehicle or public/private property. If for whatever reason your claim is rejected by your car insurance company, this does not necessarily mean that they will not spend any money regarding that claim. Money is lost in processing your claim (even though the outcome for you might not be pleasant), compensation may have to be paid to third parties and fees are applicable in disputing the liability for your claim (proving your claim is invalid). That is why your premiums will go up if you already have a drink drive conviction because the risk of you committing another offence is higher than somebody with no previous convictions.
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