The named driver no claims discount you earn is not transferable to another insurance company!!!

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You DO NOT earn ncd as a named driver with directline despite what they claim. I have just finished a policy with them because of this. They will never show the years earned as a named driver on official documentation so it's pointless.

3 Replies

SiobhanRothnie Level 1

Named driver no claims bonus discount explained

This article states that 'not all of the insurance companies above will give you full no claims bonus as a named driver' which suggests that some of them do but then underneath it says that 'this type of NCB is not transferrable, so you will have to stay with the same insurer to take advantage of it. 'So which is it? Are there any insurance companies that offer NCD to named drivers regardless of who that policy is with? Or would the named driver only get NCD by taking out the new policy with the existing provider? Very confusing. Thanks, Siobhan

[Migrated from previous topic 11514 dated 15 Oct 2010]

gices Level 6

The problem is that insurance companies use the same term (NCB) for both policyholders and name drivers. In the past, only policy holders would get the no claims bonus and if you were a named driver, you wouldn't get anything. Nowadays insurers are rewarding named drivers if they haven't claimed on their policies. However the NCB for named drivers is not necesarily equivalent to that of a policyholder. If a policyholder received 10% discount for a year's no claims, there's no guarantee that a named driver will receive the same discount (most likely he would earn less).

And to answer your second question, NCB given to a named driver cannot be transferred to another insurer. So you will only get the discount if you were a named driver with, say, company A and did not have any fault accidents, and you are looking to get an insurance policy from company A but in your own name now, that is, as a policyholder.

Hope that clarifies things for you now.

[Migrated from previous post 1331 dated 16 Oct 2010]

gices Level 6

The no claims discount that you earn as a named driver is different from the one when you are the main driver (policyholder). I've talked about this before as there are two main clauses to this NCD which are as follows:

The named driver no claims bonus cannot be transferred to another company, therefore you will have to stay with the same insurance company to get discount on your next car insurance quote

The rate at which the discount is applied is not the same as that for the policyholder. If the main driver gets 10% off because of 1 year NCD, the named driver could earn maybe 5% (or more, but less than what the policyholder/main driver usually gets) for not making any claims under his insurance policy

I always recommend to take the plunge and take car insurance policy in your own name to start building no claims bonus earlier on but if the quote is too expensive, then you going for named driver where you can earn a discount with the same company is better than not getting any discounts at all in my opinion.

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