Getting no claims on mum's insurance

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I am writing to find out if I would be able to get my own car on my mum's insurance and still get my no claims? As I am only 17, I am looking for cheap car insurance.

2 Replies

MichaelHolmes Level 1

Be careful with this... i had Direct Line Insurance, as a named driver on my mum's policy. When I took it, I was told that I will earn my own no claims discount. Brilliant!... Untill 2 years on, I went to Churchill with my '2 years NCB' from Direct Line, and it wasn't valid. Good if you're staying with them, but not so good if you will eventually get a different policy with a new company. My own fault for not checking this when I took the policy out, but to be fair they should really tell you that! WATCH OUT! lol
gices Level 6


You cannot insure your car on your mum's insurance policy. Your car will need to have a separate insurance policy of its own. You mum can insure your car in her name and you can then go on THIS policy as a named driver. Now depending with which insurance company you go with, you may or may not get no claims bonus because not all companies give NCB to other drivers except the policyholder.

Direct Line Car Insurance, you can earn no claims bonus though. However this is a different kind of discount which rewards you for good driving but is not transferable to other insurance companies. So if you take out this policy as a named driver and after the 1st year decide to move to another insurer, the no claims discount will not be recognised. But if you decide to stay with them, then you will get a discount for your second year and so on. This is better than earning nothing at all as a named driver though.

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