Do I need CBT to ride 125cc bike in Northern Ireland if I have full car driving licence?

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I live in Northern Ireland and I have full uk car licence 20+ years. Just got a 125cc bike, do I need a cbt?

2 Replies

anonymous_2 Level 1

some places say you don't need to take a cbt if you had a full car licence before 1990 just looked on the dvla site it just says scooter that is a 125 anything over that was a bike

gices Level 6


In the UK, you need to complete a CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) for you to ride a 125cc bike even if you have a full car driving licence.

In Northen Ireland, you can ride the 125cc bike with "L plates" if you have a valid car licence.

As you are allowed to drive in Northern Ireland with your UK driving licence (until it runs out, then you can apply for a NI licence), you should have no problems in riding your bike of 125cc provided you display the L plates.

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