Weekend car insurance

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There are times when you need to borrow somebody's else car just for the weekend and it is very tempting not to get weekend insurance cover because you think it is going to be just for a little while and chances are that nothing will happen during that short period of time and you'll probably get away with it. Well unless you've got a crystal ball through which you can see the future, it is not advisable to do this. Even the luckiest person on earth may have the worst luck without expecting it. You can try convincing yourself saying that you are a very careful and cautious driver and do not need temporary insurance but you can never be too sure as you will not be the only person driving on the roads! Somebody might crash into the vehicle you are driving and although it may not be your fault, you will have to spend a lot of money to get both cars repaired if you were driving without insurance.

You'll hear so many stories about parents allowing their sons to borrow their car for the weekend to go see some friends back where they studied at University and unfortunately got involved in an accident whilst on their journey. This often resulted in a lot of unnecessary stress talking to the insurance company to sort things out, significant financial costs to resolve the problem which could have been avoided in the first place also maybe the loss of mum's or dad's hard earned no claims bonus. Insuring the car for the weekend (short term car insurance) would have been just a fraction of the total costs incurred. As a parent, friend or family, you want to have the peace of mind knowing that there is full protection of your no claims bonus and proper temp cover in place for your car in the event of an accident if you are lending your car to someone else. So avoid taking the risk and insure your vehicle if somebody else will be driving it.

How much does weekend car insurance cost

Weekend car insurance is classified under the short period car insurance category as it falls within 1 to 28 days insurance cover period. There are quite a few companies out there offering competitive quotes for weekend only insurance and these policies can be bought online and most of the time will have the added benefit of getting the online discount rate and best of all, the policy will be made available to you immediately. If you want a rough idea of the price you are most likely to pay for the weekend insurance, it can be based on temporary car insurance pricing which is calculated at roughly 15 per day (for day 1 and 2) and therefore will cost you around £30 for weekend cover.

Before taking out the weekend car insurance though, remember to read the small prints on the policy so that you know exactly what is being covered and what is not. You should also shop around to see where you can get a cheap weekend car insurance quote with an adequate level of cover for both you and the car you will be driving within that period of time.

List of companies offering car insurance for the weekend

The following companies offer 1-28 day insurance cover for all your short term car insurance needs. However the premiums will be based on your individual circumstances such as vehicle to be driven, age of driver, driving experience and no claims discount available. Please check the following insurers:

  • Temp Cover
  • Aviva
  • InsureDaily

Some insurers will refuse to insure drivers under the age of 21 though.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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