Transfer commercial van NCB to private car

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Can I transfer my NCB from my van (commercial) policy to a car (private) policy?

9 Replies

MajorSingh Level 1

4 year van insurance bonus to use on new car

I have van insurance and it will expire 30 july 2010 with four year car insurance bonus and will have one year van insurance bonus. I want to take insurance till july on new car, can anyone help?

[Migrated from previous topic 11098 dated 30 May 2010]

gices Level 6

I didn't really get your question - are you looking to apply the 4 year van no claims bonus and 1 year no claims bonus for your car on a new car? Is that what you're trying to say? Please clarify on what you're really looking for so that we can help you.

[Migrated from previous post 968 dated 02 Jun 2010]

anonymous_2 Level 1

Where can I get van insurance with using my 4 years bonus on a car?

[Migrated from previous post 1527 dated 25 Jan 2011]

poundpostmk Level 1

Van insurance help

Hi there,

If one of my drivers has a crash on my policy do I list it as a loss when i next take out insurance? I'm a small courier company with 3 vehicles just going into my second year.

Many thanks

[Migrated from previous topic 12548 dated 30 Jul 2013]

gices Level 6

I'm assuming you've got a normal van insurance policy for your 3 vehicles and your drivers are named on the documents. Under these circumstances, you will be responsible for any fault accidents whether it's you driving or not.

You will not necessarily put the accident under your own name when renewing your insurance because it wasn't you in the first place, but the consequence is such that your no claims discount will be reduced.

If you've got a special policy (eg motor trade), then it may be different.

[Migrated from previous post 2011 dated 01 Aug 2013]


Transfer 7 years NCD from car to van because of fault accident on van this year

I have 2 vehicles, a car & a camper van. The car and the van are insured with different insurers. I have 7 years protected NCD (No Claims Discount) on the car. I have no NCD on the van, due to an 'At Fault' accident this year.

  1. Do I have to declare to my car insurer that I have had a claim with my van insurer? If I do, will it affect the premium of my car insurance (remembering I have NCD protector on my car insurance).

  2. Can I change my car insurance to instead cover the van (and sell the car), and be able to apply my 7 yrs NCD built up with that insurer? Will it matter that I've had a claim on the van? Part of me thinks it will not matter, since it would be quite valid for me to transfer my car insurance and 7 yrs NCD to a new car, so why not to the van even if I have made a claim on it with a different insurer?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

[Migrated from previous topic 11692 dated 30 Nov 2010]

gices Level 6

Some companies will allow you to transfer your car NCD to a van policy. The strange thing is that I couldn't find a single company which will allow you to use the no claims discount you've earned on a commercial van on a car insurance policy. Once a car no claims bonus has been transferred onto a van, the process is irreversible, that is, you cannot transfer it back to a private car.

Until that changes, you cannot transfer no claims earned on a van to a car to get discounts on the insurance premiums.

anonymous_2 Level 1

As a taxi driver with 27 years experance i am shocked to find that with no endorsements and full no claims my no claims cannot be put on to my private car insurance.

anonymous_2 Level 1

If I have taken insurance out within 12 hours can I cancel the insurance as I was not aware of losing my no claims on my van when I need to keep them on my car?

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