How to transfer ownership of car legally?

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How to prove ownership of car?

4 Replies

gices Level 6

To prove ownership of a car, you need to be able to show proof of purchase like a receipt or other relevant documents if you have inherited the car (death or transfer of ownership). You can go to a solicitor to transfer a vehicle in someone else's name or you can use the V5/V5C document to transfer the ownership (for example, when you sell a car, you fill out section 3 of the logbook).

anonymous_2 Level 1

I bought a vehicle on my name for my sister, they paid every month and the vehicle is paid in full, the vehicle is still registered on my name. Now they getting a divorce and stop paying the insurance but still using the vehicle and neither of them want to do the change of ownership onto their name. As the legal responsible person for the vehicle I want to collect the vehicle and keep it until they transfer into their name and pay the insurance. Can I legally collect the vehicle, your advices will help me.

Thanks Magda

anonymous_2 Level 1

My husband died leaving a car which was bought in both names, is it my property to sell?

anonymous_2 Level 1

I want to know if it is right to fill the new keeper of the uk registration certificate of dvla with a black ink pen.

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