Ex-wife has damaged and vandalised my car on purpose, is there anything I can do?
I am the legal owner of my car which I'm collecting on saturday from my ex wife who's been the registered keeper for 3 yrs as i want it back she has informed me that she has damaged and vandalised it on purpose but still giving it back to me now. The car is on finance in my name, i have been trying to get car back for last 3 months, I have kept up with payments and i intend to keep it but I'm worried that it's going to cost me a lot of money, because of all the damage she has spitefully done.
1 Reply
I would imagine that it's criminal damage. You have no evidence, but, you can still report it to the Police and get a ref no. That way, if it happens again, you keep reporting it and build up a history. It may not be of any benefit, other than giving you satisfaction!! good luck. My ex sabotaged my car by putting a brand new screw under it, it cost me £105 for a new tyre. I reported him.
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