Insured to drive someone else's car, does that car need to be insured by that person as well?

I have a current third party fire and theft cover what allows me to drive another persons car. Has that car got to be insured by that person? If I loan a car off someone, has that car got to be insured by the person who owns it before I can use it on my drive any vehicle with their permission, extention third party cover. thank you.
3 Replies
No, you can't drive the car unless the car itself is insured. Your insurance allows you to drive another car with the owners permission but that owner has to have insurance on it.
I'm the car owner and policy holder, with no additional drivers, comprehensive. I can drive other cars with their owners permission.
The question is: my boyfriend is going to buy a car, however he doesn't have a driving license yet (got provisional one so far) :) the idea is: he is going to be owner of the car he will buy. but he will not buy any insurance for him (as he cannot drive yet). but I'm going to drive his car with his permission under the insurance I already have for my car.
Does it sounds good to you guys? I mean just wanted to find it is not against a law :)
thanks for any advice
This can be a tricky situation - if the car is not insured by the owner, most likely he is not using it. That probably means the car is not taxed or MOTed which would render the car unroadworthy. Now any insurance cover will become void if the car in which the accident happened does not have the legal documents to prove that it's roadworthy.
For peace of mind, call up your current insurer and ask them before you drive the vehicle.
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