Insurers say we aren't insured on recently bought car as V5 is not yet in our name

My husband bought a car at an auction in May and there was a mix up over the V5 which wasn't sent. The V5 has now been sent but as the previous owner hadn't signed it the DVLA say it will take 6 weeks to come back. I called our insurance help desk and they said we can't drive the car until we are down as the registered keeper at the DVLA. Is this correct?
1 Reply
That's not necessarily true. Insurers nowadays want the policyholder to be the registered keeper of the car and this is proved with the V5 (registration) certificate. Some may refuse to quote for car insurance if that's not the case. However this is not a good enough reason to ask you not to drive. If they refuse to pay out a claim while you're waiting for the V5, you can always take legal action against them. If you're up for the hassle, then you can get the Financial Ombudsman on your side but that can be a lengthy process.
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