Charged for driving without insurance because our policy got cancelled

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Today I was pulled over by the police and told that our car has come up on the system as not being insured! Our insurance company told him that they had cancelled our insurance after not receiving information needed from our old insurance company. We have not received any letters, phone calls or any messages to inform us of our policy being cancelled! My husband was told that with the information they had, they would contact our old insurance and get the info needed but haven't. We have been driving without insurance for 2 months! Our car has been seized and if the insurance company don't admit fault we will have to go to court! The police were very helpful and gave some advice - they told us to tell the insurance company that if it doesn't get resolved and they admit fault that we will get in contact with a independent company but we can't remember what this company was called. Does anyone know the name of such company or can give any advice please?

2 Replies

Homelands11 Level 1

Car insurance cancelled because I missed a payment

My car insurance was cancelled as I missed a payment (redundancy) now I'm having a nightmare trying to get insurance from anyone. They will accept me if I pay the yearly amount, but I can only afford monthly. Anyone know a company I can try?

[Migrated from previous topic 11619 dated 10 Nov 2010]

gices Level 6


This is kind of strange that an insurance company cancels an insurance policy because information regarding your previous insurance company was not obtained and no letters were sent to inform you of the cancellation. Having said this, if the insurance company did send out letters concerning your policy and it's likely cancellation, then they must have a record of it somewhere on their system even if the letters didn't reach you. So you can ask to see the reminders from your current insurance company and if they fail to provide you with this, then they obviously did not send anything out. I'm not sure about the independent company you're referring to but I'm sure the Citizen Advice Bureau can help you with that.

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