Can't drive my car because insurance is too expensive

Car insurance is ridiculously stupid, I spent so much time and effort to pass my test and now can't even drive, while my friends in the USA have Nissan 240sx sports cars and VW Golf GTI's. This country sucks when it comes to cars, absolutely pathetic. They're robbing us.
12 Replies
I agree I'm trying to get my 30 year old son a 15 year old saxo to replace his 13 year old rover and his insurance will be going up not down. If something isn't done by the central goverment very soon to control the out of control insurance premiums there will be another national crisis. This time it will put not just the new car industry into the red but also the used car industry. This will also result in overcrowded buses and trains if you can get one to work and school, which will push up the fares for them. Basically we are being pushed back a century in quality of living standard.
Absolutely ridiculous there must be a way we can come together to bring these prices down by at least 50 % or there's no chance your telling me i have a 800 pound car and i have to pay 5000 pound to get it insured or.. or.. i could drive without insurance and get a 200 pound fine !! how is any teenager who get what at the most a 1000 pound a month how is some one like that going to pay 3 4 5 grand for insurance what the hell insurance don't even cover you anyway when you go out they make you pay if you crash and they try their best to get out of every claim no one cares about it because people who run it are old and their insurance is cheap like 100 200 pound shoudn't it be the other way round cheaper for younger drivers as they have less money no wonder people driving without insurance good on them don't give your money to the insurance companies raking in millions of ripping youngsters off. there has got to be something we can do
I just had a quote for my car (Nissan Primera 2.0 1966) for 18454. I'm 30. What the hell!! Going to keep my money in my pocket and still drive my car. The hell with this system!!
i'm feelin all your problems. last year i bought my dream car - lotus elise. With 5 years no claims and no points it came to £1200. a year on, i'm now 27 with another year of a clean license and they've added £350 to my qoute. i've just bought a house and now i just can't afford that cash. its absolutely shocking how they can get away with this. they need to crack down on claims and the "i'll sue you" society we live in now and not do it by raising every young male's insurance up. all these problems originated in america and they drive around in dodge vipers and corvettes at 17. we, as young lads are restricted to corsa's, saxo's and the like. i, for one, am sick of being steroetyped by insurance companies and being made to pay for all the crazy idiot drivers on the road. it was 2 months ago when a 70 year preist ran a red light and KO'd my works vehicle and his response was "i thought the light was broken". i bet he gets cheap insurance still on his new quote....
I am 28, have two years of no claims bonus and I was SHOCKED to see that this year car insurance has gone high almost double. Last year i paid £538 for third party fire and theft.....this year i am offered £1077......can U imagine?
I'm in the same boat - my dad promised me a car as soon as I passed now I have to wait 5 YEARs for the premiums to go down. I live far from school so getting the train every day doesn't help either :(
I have just got a seat leon cupra r by chance really I swapped it for my old car and even on a punto 1.4 sporting I was paying 3300 as a named driver and now I'm getting quoted 5000 and that's as a named driver. It's all a way of making money for the goverment. They first rip off people with crazy premiums on their insurance that basically makes people drive with no insurance then they give you a fixed penalty usually ranging from 250 also. I think it's a disgrace to our country how they rip their own british citizens off. While I moan on here it is not going to change the insurance premiums quote so I'm off of to sleep whilst my car sits and rots on the drive lol.
Aint just the young, I'm 32 and since last year car insurance has doubled, I've done nothing to increase the insurance, so I'm thinking insurance companies must be squeezing us to re coup there losses from the banks failures this last year. After all they're all in the same boat, banks and insurance companies, but they aren't the losers we are.......
It's discrimination against young boys i just bought a 12 year old citroen saxo i got quoted £3900 and that was for third party only as a named driver on my dads policy! yet my sister who is same age as me 17 got fully comprehensive for 6 year old bmw for £1200.
I understand how he feels, I can't insure my son either - lowest quote for vw polo 999c is £3240, going to have to sell it - no wonder there are so many kids on our roads with no insurance!
Which car are you trying to insure and where is it kept? How much have you been quoted so far? Please give more information as it would be a shame to have passed your driving test but unable to drive because of high premiums. What's the fun of having your licence if you can't enjoy driving? Don't give up just yet!
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