How can i find out the registered keeper of a vehicle by just a registration number plate please?

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I need to get the registered keepers details for a car, but i only have a plate number Please. Thank you.

5 Replies

gices Level 6

The only way to get this information is through the DVLA. You will need to fill in a Request for Information form (V888) and send it to the DVLA. Note that there's a fee of £2.50 to pay for requesting the registered keeper details of another vehicle (one that you don't own) and you also need to have a reasonable to ask for this information such as:

  • if you were involved in an accident and need to trace the owner
  • if you're looking for the registered keeper of an abandoned vehicle
  • if you're trying to report people driving without insurance
  • if you're tracing people who have driven off and not paid for goods/services
  • if you're enquiring to see who owns a car parked on private property
  • if you're trying to find a name to issue parking tickets or trespass charge notices

For further information, please have a look at the link on how to get information from DVLA records.

anonymous_2 Level 1

If you pay £4.00 for a vehicle Data Check does that include the name of the current registered owner of that vehicle. I don't need any further information on contact details or address but would like to know the name of the person that is currently the registered owner.

gices Level 6

With the Vehicle Data Check, you get only details about the vehicle. To get the name of the registered keeper, you will need to contact DVLA as described above in my answer.

1 Reply
BigPaul Level 1

How to check registered keeper of motorbike?

I am just checking as to whether I am now the registered keeper of this motor bike paul phillips.

gices Level 6

Have you just bought this bike or intend to buy it? We do not hold this kind of information here which would enable you to see who the registered owner of a bike (or any other vehicle) is. If you want to know that, you will need to contact the DVLA.

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