Driving instructor stole my money

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I booked driving lessons with man named steve booker that drived for a motoring school, but now works privately. I paid him £100 for 2 lessons. He kept letting me down, as he was double booking. A very unreliable man. After a while, I started to get frustrated at the fact that I paid him and he has literally run off with my money. He claims he has sent out several checks to my address so I can receive my money. I haven't received a thing! Wwhat shall I do? I'm definitely going to be taking him to court and I will be getting my money back. Could you please tell me the quickest way of dealing with this please? Thank you.

2 Replies

Peaches Level 3


The best thing to do is try and settle the case out of court. Check to see he has all the necessary qualifications to be a licensed driving instructor. If he isn't, you may be able to report him as falsly deceiving people into buying lessons he is not qualified to sell. Also most professional driving schools are paid by cheque or over the phone using a debit or credit card. If you have paid in cash, then it's your word against his and I'm afraid your chances of getting your money back are very slim. If on the other hand, you have paid by cheque then you should have proof of payment. If you do, then you can lodge a case through small claims court and this can be done online.

Small claims court will require you to pay up some money too but if you don't have any proof that money was exchanged, then you will be stuck I'm afraid.

anonymous_2 Level 1

My instructor took money in advance £190. I took 4 lessons now she is ignoring me not taking my calls. She is not telling me when she is giving me the next lesson. I have still left 6 lessons. What can I do?

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