19 year old banned under 6 points totting up

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Just received notification of ban for an offence that happened last July 08. Wasn't informed of court date because I was away working so obviously didn't attend but have paid £250 fine. Now I have received a ban because of my age and the 6 points totting up procedure. I will probably lose my job because it is based 15 miles from where I live (with no public transport).

Is there anything I can do? How long do I have to wait to re-sit my test? Please help.

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gices Level 6


It is very unfortunate that you were not able to attend the courts hearing as this was the opportunity for you to give your reasons why you shouldn't be banned from driving. I suppose you're on a 6 months driving ban at the moment and you'll probably have to stay off the roads for that period of time. You should get your licence back after the ban expires unless the court has ordered you to re-sit your test. So you will need to check the correspondence you've received from the court.

Losing employment is a weak excuse when pleaded in the magistrates court, so it is better if you contact a specialist motor laywer to discuss your case and advise you accordingly if you wish to appeal against your ban.

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