Named driver on motor trade insurance

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9 replies
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Hi there, I was a named driver on motor trade policy. The traders I worked for bought a car which was registered on my name. This car belonged to the traders but I was given responsibility of maintaining it and advertising it. I was pulled over by traffic police who said I didn't have insurance. I forwarded them to my insurers as I did not have the documents to hand. Five months later I received a summons to magistrate court for having no insurance. Would I be insured to drive?

9 Replies

Nikki_2 Level 1

Named driver on motor trade insurance but pulled over by police and told I was not insured

I am named on motor trade insurance and was pulled over by police and told I was not insured as the car is registered in my name, can someone tell me if this correct as I am named to drive on the policy?

[Migrated from previous topic 11786 dated 06 Jan 2011]

sandy_1 Level 1

Domestic and pleasure trade insurance as named driver, can I drive any car that's insured?

I'm on domestic and pleasure trade insurance as a named driver. Can I drive any car that's insured? I work as a valeter in a company.

[Migrated from previous topic 11771 dated 03 Jan 2011]

grumpysick Level 1

Liabilities to named driver (Taxi) in an accident

The owner of the vehicle,in which I am a named driver,claims that I am financially liable to the costs of both damaged vehicles.

Because he doesn't want to go through the insurance company and wants to settle it privately.

I am willing to pay the insurance excess.Which I think its a fair thing to do.

[Migrated from previous topic 12771 dated 10 Oct 2017]

Al_2 Level 1

The motor trade policy covers vehicles the property of the policyholder or in the custody of the policyholder in the course of their business. If the car is registered in your name the police will have perceived you as the owner - such that the vehicle is not covered by the motor trade policy.

anonymous_2 Level 1

Hi, I'm in the motor trade so am I allowed to drive any car with the owners permission?

gices Level 6

I'm not sure I quite understand the situation. If you're a named driver on the motor trade insurance policy, then you were insured to drive the car. So what is the problem?

MohammedAwzal Level 1

The car was bought by the traders but they registered it on my name as I would be maintaining and advertising the car all through the traders expenses. What the PC was saying is that I need personal insurance. Would I need even though the car belongs to the traders?

gices Level 6

If you had motor trade insurance on the vehicle you were driving, then you wouldn't need another personal insurance policy unless there were some restrictions (eg you are not allowed to use the vehicle for personal use or something similar). You need to check the policy from your traders where they named you as an additional driver to see if you were really covered and what restrictions were imposed for the cover.

If you were not named on the motor trade insurance policy for the vehicle you were driving, then you would need a separate insurance and what the PC told you would make sense.

MohammedAwzal Level 1

Thank you very much for your answer, as this is what I've been told by other experienced traders. I've also been advised by solicitor that my documents will drop the charges from the prosecution. Can I just ask how you know this information gices. What do you specialise in?

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