Best insurance deal for someone who's been a named driver on parents' policy?

I am named driver on both my parents car insurances which I have been on for a number of years. I also had my own insurance 2007-2008 and back in 1993- 1999 in which I have never made a claim on any of the insurances I have had or been on. I am looking into purchasing my own vehicle and wonder if you could advice me about getting best insurance with the info I have given.
4 Replies
My daughter was struggling with getting cheap cover, having been a driver on my car.
All the comparison sites offered cheap rates but they charged a fortune for monthly payments and kept adding extras on, so I loked oline an found a really helpful girl insurance company
they had a basic website but they were really helpful, and cheap too!
If you're buying a new vehicle, you may be able to get your first year's car insurance for free. There are many offers out there so do check them. It will allow you to build that critical 1st year of no claims to make subsequent years cheaper.
Your no claims bonus expire if you do not renew insurance within 2 years. So your last set of NCB would have expired in 2010. However many insurers will give you a discount if you've been a named driver on a policy and are looking to get insurance with themselves. So check your parents' insurer to see what deal they have for you. You will need to call them up as these things can be carried out online.
First thing you'd need to do is check a car insurance comparison website to see what's the cheapest quote you're getting. Have you done that yet? If yes, what's the best quote you received?
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