Reporting employee who did not reveal driving conviction

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I have just found out an employee of mine has been driving my fleet of commercial vehicles while on a 9 month ban in between that we have renewed are fleet policy & haven't declared his ban. Does anyone have any suggests on who I contact & report this to. The person no longer works for us but I need to report this.

4 Replies

Marcus Level 1

Is it worth the trouble you paid him he did the job and you should have checked so you are to blame and you could be in trouble. Also if he would have had an accident due to say break failure or something else you would be in court before him.. forget it you made a mistake live with it and do your checking next time rkm

fickle Level 1

A quick call to CrimeStoppers on 0800 555 111 will do the trick.

leejo2012 Level 1

The problem is what will happen to me as an a employer not checking & the insurance company

kishlaya Level 1

@leejo2012 : If the person no longer works for you, why bother reporting this?

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