Failed test because I went slightly right angled around a left corner

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I just failed my test, and the ONLY thing which i'd done wrong was that going around a left corner, the sun was in my eyes, and instead of going around it perfectly, i ended up going around it slighty right angled, just to make sure i did not hit the curb etc. I did not go into the other lane, nor do anything uncomfortable etc. I did not even notice that i done anything different to how anyone else drives! Would you say this is a Major? Or a Minor..

3 Replies

gices Level 6

From your statement of events, it sounds a bit harsh. But then again without knowing what really happened from the examiner's perspective, it is difficult to tell.

Your best bet is to put this behind you and concentrate on practicing the manoueuvres and driving more.

Btw have you done the independent driving bit of the practical test?

anonymous_2 Level 1

Nope, I have looked at it yup, and in the debrief that's all I was told I done wrong.. My observation was fine, as I said that was the only thing which I got marked down for :/

gices Level 6

Did you have a change to look at the examiner's marking sheet? I'm just asking to see if there was any other errors that you committed but was not aware of. Sometimes you might think you're doing something right but it isn't. Lack of observation is one of them.

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