Failed driving test because of serious fault

I just gave my practical driving test and I got failed for 2 minor and 2 serious faults. I am not convinced for the 2 serious faults; one is being undue hesitation and the other is safety. At the most as per my knowledge it should have been marked as minor mistake.
Please suggest what needs to be done in this case.
10 Replies
List of serious driving faults
Where can I find the serious fault list, can you email them to me?
[Migrated from previous topic 10884 dated 28 Feb 2010]
There's no official list of serious faults as far as I'm aware. A minor driving fault can develop into a serious or dangerous fault. Faults which could lead to potential accidents will be classified as serious faults. For instance if you emerge from a side road without looking carefully and a car on the main road has to perform an emergency stop because you've cut through, this will be a serious fault and you will fail your driving test.
If you have any more concerns, then let me know.
[Migrated from previous post 839 dated 31 Mar 2010]
Can you get a serious fault for going too slow in a national speed limit zone?
[Migrated from previous post 1897 dated 01 Aug 2012]
If you're going too slow, you could be creating a hazard for other road users. People behind you may get frustrated and try to overtake you all the time and that could result in an accident. Therefore this could very well be recorded as a serious but that depends on the prevailing conditions and up to the examiner to decide how bad it is.
[Migrated from previous post 1898 dated 01 Aug 2012]
Failed test because of 7 minors and a serious fault
Hi, I have just failed my test with 7 minor faults and a serious because I shunted backwards and forwards 3 times, is this right??? Thank you
[Migrated from previous topic 11054 dated 17 May 2010]
Only one serious fault is enough to make you fail your test. You can also fail the driving test if you have 3 or more minors within the same category of testing, so if you get a lot of minors for inadequate observation for example, you will not pass. The driving examiner must have good reasons for failing you, however if you think it was unfair, you can always take the matter to the DSA for an appeal.
[Migrated from previous post 930 dated 17 May 2010]
Hi, I have just failed my test with 7 minor faults and a serious because I shunted backwards and forwards 3 times, is this right??? Thank you
Only one serious fault is enough to make you fail your test. You can also fail the driving test if you have 3 or more minors within the same category of testing, so if you get a lot of minors for inadequate observation for example, you will not pass. The driving examiner must have good reasons for failing you, however if you think it was unfair, you can always take the matter to the DSA for an appeal.
This is somehow difficult to say. Driving examiners are trained to deliver the highest quality of service to new drivers going for their actual driving test. The majority of the them would pass you if they believe you'll be a good driver and not cause any havoc on the roads. However there may be a small minority who could fail you for any reason (they don't like you, they're having a bad day etc). Although a professional attitude should always be adopted, in reality this does not really happen all the time.
It is difficult to say whether you are right or wrong as no one has witnessed your driving test besides you and the driving examiner. If you feel that you have been wrongly marked down which resulted in you failing your practical driving test, then you can always file a complaint and the DSA will have to investigate what really happened.
I just failed my driving test; he said when I was reverse parking, I was close to parked car at the begining of my reverse parallel parking but I completeded parking perfectly. How can it be serious fault?
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