Can I use my old no claims bonus (NCB) to insure my car?

I was insured in 2006 and got an 8 year NCB & then in 2008 I got insured again and earned 1 year NCB. I was wondering if I can use all 9 to insure my car?
3 Replies
Just bought car and I have 4 years ncb but have not driven for 2 years and 3 months. Can I still use them?
No claims bonus expire if you don't use them on a car insurance policy for more than 2 years. Most insurers will not accept your NCB if they are more than 2 years old (some will though but they are rare to find). If it had been more than two years when you took the policy in 2008, then your previous 8 year no claims bonus would not have counted. Some insurers check your no claims status and some won't until you actually make a claim. Anyway, the car renewal letter you received in 2009 for the policy you took in 2008 should tell you exactly how many years no claims you've got. If it says 9 years on the letter, then yes, you can use all 9 years no claims on your next car insurance policy.
If the renewal letter states that you've got only 1 year worth of no claims (because your previous NCB were not counted as they had expired), then you can only use 1 year no claims to insure your car. What I'm trying to say is that NCB expires if you don't use them, so make sure you have the right number first before you put it on your car insurance application form. Chances are the insurer will ask for proof of no claims as well and if you don't have your last renewal letter, you'll need to contact your last insurer to get that.
I had full ncb on my car insurance, took a 4 year lease deal, I have now purchased the lease car, can I use my ncb from my previous car ins?
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