Registered keeper refusing to sign car over to legal owner

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I am the owner of a car but agreed that a friend could be the registered keeper temporarily. He now refuses to sign the log book to allow me to become the registered keeper. What can I do?? I wish to sell the car now but difficult when I am not the registered keeper.

4 Replies

anonymous_2 Level 1

Involve Police immediately before your 'friend' sells your vehicle. This happened to me and the Police refuse to prosecute.

anonymous_2 Level 1

If it's yours and you have revoked your permission for him to drive the vehicle, then call the police the first time he drives it.

DazzerB Level 1

No you can't...The following response from the DVLA:

The Department of Transport is required to record the details of the registered keeper of all motor vehicles.

The registered keeper should be the person who normally possesses the vehicle and is responsible for its use on public roads. The keeper is the person whom the police and other law enforcement agencies normally wish to contact about the vehicle's use on public roads. The keeper need not necessarily be the driver nor the legal owner of the vehicle.

The vehicle register does not attempt to record ownership and DVLA is not concerned with issues of ownership. Possession of a V5C Registration Certificate is not proof of ownership. This is clearly recorded on the V5C itself.

The document records the details of the person who has told us that they are the keeper of the vehicle. If we have reason to doubt the validity of any application for a V5C Registration Certificate, we will conduct the necessary enquiries before we issue it.

In terms of law the finance company remains the legal owner of the vehicle as the last payment has not been made with regard to the vehicle.

I can only suggest that you get some legal representation with regard to these matters and you would be able to get further advice from them.

I am sorry, the Agency does not become involved in disputes concerning legal ownership.

I hope that this information has clarified matters for you.

gices Level 6

As the legal owner of the car, you can get the log book transferred back in your name. Usually when a someone who owns a car dies, you can send in the death certificate along with the proof that you have inherited the vehicle and DVLA will change the registration certificate to your name.

Similarly, if you send proof that you are the legal owner of the car, you should be able to override your friend's decision not to sign the car back to you. As long as you can prove it, you shouldn't worry. You can always call up DVLA to see which documents you need to send over so that your application does not get delayed.

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