How long for premiums to go down for new driver?

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When I buy my Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 sxi for around £2,500, my insurance will be about £3,000 a year, will it go down? If so, how long will it take?

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gices Level 6


Your insurance premium seems a bit expensive. Have you been shopping around for the best deal? Have a look at the other articles on this website for tips on how you can save on car insurance for young and new drivers. Back to your question, if you drive carefully and do not make any claims on your insurance policy, you will earn your first year no claims discount when your policy ends. This will definitely reduce your next insurance premium by quite a lot. If you manage to have your second year claim-free as well, then this will significantly reduce your 3rd year insurance quote (by upto 40% in some cases). With 4 or 5 years no claims bonus, you'll be looking at under £350 for car insurance for your Vauxhall Corsa.

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