Does car Insurance go down when you change occupation?
Can anyone tell me if my car insurance will be cheaper if I tell the insurance company of my new job? They always ask your occupation and I am now a full time limousine driver.
Thanks for any info!
2 Replies
1. If you use your vehicle specifically for your job i.e contractors use their trucks to haul goods, mobile maids, painting vans, etc.
2. The more miles you put on your vehicle per year, the more expensive your insurance. Hence the questions about annual mileage. If you work 30 miles from home, your insurance will be more expensive than someone who takes public transit to work, or drives 3 miles to work.
For the most part, that question is to make sure you are not using your vehicle as part of your job (other than transportation to and from).
You will not neccesarily get cheaper car insurance if you tell your insurance company that you've changed jobs. It really depends on what type of job you were doing before and what your new job is about? For example, if you were working as an administrative clerk before and now you've become a sales guy who is always on the move, then you car insurance will go up because your previous job meant that your car was parked throughout the day and the chances of you getting involved in an accident were smaller while now you are always driving places and constantly on the road and at risk. You might be interested to know about other factors which affects your car insurance and could potentially bring down your quote as well.
I'd give the insurance company a call if I was you and tell them about the new job and see if that makes a difference in the premiums to know for sure.