South African with international driving permit looking for insurance as a named driver

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I am a south african with an international driving permit from my country. I am going to be a resident once married can I get insurance as a named drivers? I have been driving for 15 years, came across and intend staying in the UK once married I've read I can drive here for 12 months before retaking my test but am unsure about getting insurance. Are there companies who will insure me?

8 Replies

Dinny Level 1

Carers from South Africa or Zimbabwe to drive for elderly lady

An elderly lady has a medical problem and can't drive. She therefore has carers who come and look after her and they drive the car when she is unable to. The lady herself has a British drivers licence. The carers all come from SA or Zimbabwe.

[Migrated from previous topic 11543 dated 21 Oct 2010]

gices Level 6

I'm afraid the subject line has a limit to the number of words that can be typed in, hence there's a textbox for additional details. It seems that part of your question was lost as a result of you typing everything in the subject line. So if you don't mind filling in the part that has been lost, maybe we can get a better idea of the problem.

[Migrated from previous post 1349 dated 23 Oct 2010]

anonymous_2 Level 1

I swopped my South African licence for a British one about 18 months ago. Cost £50.00 and did not need to resit the test

gices Level 6

The link which I provided in my previous answer is from DirectGov's website and if you are a UK resident, you know that information provided on DirectGov is supposed to be accurate and up to date. If you can exchange your South African licence for a UK one, then it's even better but I find it hard to believe that DirectGov is showing incorrect information.

anonymous_2 Level 1

I was in the same boat, also south africa needing a uk license. YOU DO NOT NEED TO TAKE A UK TEST AGAIN!! Just get the form that you need to swap your SA one for ur UK one!! so efficient! the guy above has no idea! did it 2 months ago! no sweat!!!!

gices Level 6

If you click on this link, you will see that what I said is true. You are only allowed to drive upto a year after which you will have to take the UK driving test under your circumstances. I should have provided the link to the official source in the first place to avoid confusion.

anonymous_2 Level 1

uhm hello!! that's not at all true!! you DO NOT NEED TO RESIT THE UK TEST!! YOU CONVERT to a uk licence for about £25

gices Level 6

You are allowed to use your african driving licence for 12 months after which you'll have to take the UK driving test. There shouldn't be any problems for you to get insurance cover on your current licence if you'll be staying here for at least a year. It's only when you come to the UK for a short visit that insurers refuse to provide cover.

Have you been refused insurance?

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