ISOFIX car seats

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If you have children or thinking about starting a family then you will need to find an appropriate car seat that is both practical, easy to carry and fits your car properly. Unfortunately nowadays  people do not have the time to search endlessly for the best car seat or even have it fitted correctly to see how it’s done and how hassle free it is to install. It doesn’t matter so much anymore as now we have ISOFIX car seats that are simple to fit and take the guess work out of making sure the seat belt is connected properly.

ISOFIX car seats have been around for some time but many parents have not taken the time to research them further as you need to have ISOFIX anchor points in the car that it will be used in. Cars prior to 2002 will not have these anchor points so the traditional way of using the seat belt to make sure the car seat is secure is still the most common way of fitting one. It has become common nowadays that most cars install ISOFIX points in the rear seats as standard. If you have more than one child using a car seat, you can request that two of the seats have ISOFIX anchor points to save you the hassle of having to change car seats or using the seatbelt method.

ISOFIX car seats are the new and effortless way of making sure children and babies are safe in the car, you just click and go. Also if you have an infant and they fall asleep in it, you can take the whole unit inside instead of unhooking the seat belt to free the child as you would do so before, so the child is undisturbed until he or she is ready to wake up.

ISOFIX car seat base
If you really want to save time and have some extra money to spare, then invest in a car seat base - they click into you ISOFIX anchor points and the car seat will just click into place. It’s also handy for babies as they spend most of their time asleep so it makes going out quicker and easier while before you would have to fiddle around with securing the seat belt. Also trying to make sure a car seat is secure after an evening out is annoying and time consuming, you need to switch on the interior car light, then try and loop in the seatbelt to make the seat unit secure.

As ISOFIX is standard in most car models, you can continue to use the car seat for many years to come in all different makes and models; they can also be used if you want to have more than one child. ISOFIX is the way to go as in a few years car seat manufacturers will stop making the older style 3 point seat belt system as most people do not fit it correctly in the first place so if involved in an accident, the child would be harmed.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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