Not switching on headlights when dark

One of the first things we do when entering a vehicle is to put on the seatbelt and check our mirrors. What a few of us fail to do is to switch on the headlights when it's dark. By not doing so, you not only cause dangerous driving conditions for those around you but also for yourself. If oncoming drivers can’t see you or cars approaching from behind don’t know that you are there, they may not slow down and crash either into the rear, front or side of your car.
Although the reason for drivers to switch on their headlights is quite obvious, what many others don't realise is that there are other reasons why putting on car headlights are important:
- Headlights light up the road so lane markings are easier to see
- Headlights light up speed limit signs and other traffic signs
- They also light up the reflecting ‘cats eyes’ on road surfaces making it easier for you to follow your lane and not have to guess where the road bends
Headlights should be on not only when it's dark or when driving at night but also in conditions of poor visibility like thick fogs or mist. With the car lights on, other road users will be aware of your presence and can then make more sound judgements.
Driving without headlights on or with broken headlights is a minor traffic offence. This means you will not get any points on your licence but you will have to pay a fine of £30. If you are stopped by the police, you don't need to pay the fine on the spot but you'll be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) and will have 28 days to pay it unless you plan to argue your case in court.
How to signal a driver who has not switched on their headlights
There are many ways to signal other drivers - if the car behind you has not switched on their headlights, you can switch on your hazard lights for a few seconds and this will alert the driver behind you. Remember to switch off the hazard lights after a few seconds as you only want to alert the driver behind you and not give the wrong idea to everyone else. If the car is approaching you and you see that they haven’t switched on their headlights, you can flash your full beam lights twice and this will alert them and they'll soon realise that there's a problem with their car.
Forgetting to have proper lights on while driving is quite a common mistake especially if you set out in a rush. To help make the roads safer to drive on, you need to inform the concerned drivers if you see that happening.
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