When is the best time to take the driving theory test?

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Can you tell me when is the best time to take your theory test? Do you think it is better to take the test close to the time that you are ready to do the practical driving test or do you think it should be taken after you've done 10-14 hours worth of driving. I have been studying the Highway Code and completing the theory test questions for a little while and the scores I am getting are between 98-99% both in the multiple choice and the hazard perception. When should I take my theory test?

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gices Level 6


The best time to take your driving test is whenever you feel ready to sit the exam to be honest. However when you have done a bit of practical driving, then the Highway Codes that you've learnt make more sense and helps you to better understand the signs and rules about driving.

From what you said, I think you're ready for the driving theory test and you should do it now rather than later. Good luck to you! And don't forget to let me know what it went :)

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