Night Time Is Spooky And Driving A Challenge In Itself So Combining The Two Can Be Very Frightening

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One of the scariest things about driving for some people is the thought of having to drive at night or when it is very dark. Driving at night can be very dangerous as you have to be extra careful of the hazards that you look for during the day as they are harder to see at night. There are also other hazards that you will encounter when it's dark such as animals like rabbits or foxes on the road as they come out to find food. As it is not always possible to know the route you will take beforehand, you should never rush during night driving and if possible use motorways whilst avoiding country roads as they suffer from bad lighting.

Precautions to take and be aware of at night when driving

  • When approaching a bend, slow down and take your time.
  • If you are driving down a country lane, don't be afraid to use full beam as they usually don't have any lights.
  • If you are driving with your lights on full, remember to switch them off if you see a car approaching as lights on full beam will dazzle oncoming traffic and cause accidents - the same applies to cars that are in front of you.
  • If you are using satellite navigation, try to use main roads as they are most likely to be busy and well lit.
  • Try not to overtake cyclists unless you really have to and make sure you can see the road ahead clearly (free from any oncoming vehicles or hazards).

Sometimes it's advisable to have a pair of glasses that are specifically designed for night driving. The lenses have an anti-reflective coating to reflect lights from car headlights at night. They will also help reduce glare from headlights in the rear view mirror. Glare from headlights cause strain and fatigue which can lead to poor reaction times and concentration which can result in a potentially fatal accident.

Some night glasses can also enhance road markings, signs and white lines and this can be very helpful if you live in a rural place because not all roads have good lighting. If the thought of having to wear special glasses at night is a bit of an inconvenience, then getting an anti reflective coating on your everyday glasses makes a big difference when driving at night. Having only one pair of glasses for everything means you will never forget them at home again but it's also good to have a spare pair in the car just in case.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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