Our son has lived in japan for 8 years. He has a UK driving licence. Can he get insurance here?

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He is coming home next week. Can we get insurance for him to drive our car for 7 days?

3 Replies

gices Level 6
Is he still a UK citizen or has he got Japanese nationality now?
jthrower Level 1
He is still a UK citizen.
gices Level 6
Then I don't see why he wouldn't be able to get temp cover for 7 days. With temporary car insurance, insurers usually have a problem with people who are not UK residents or do not have a british driving licence.

Try the popular short term car insurance companies like DayInsure, Aviva, TempCover and InsureDaily first. If you're having trouble getting him insured, let me know and we'll see what we can do :)
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