Car lights - Styling and modifications

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Many young men think of their car as their pride and joy, they spend hours cleaning it and making sure maintenance is carried out regularly. The one thing that can make a car look boring are the lights as each make and model have standard light designs that don't appeal to those who like to be a little different. This is why a lot of people go for older cars as they are easier and cheaper to modify than newer cars.

Car lights styling
The most common and cheaper light modification carried out on cars are changing the colours of the rear lights, making them brighter or adding extra. There are many interesting ones such as adding spotlights to the bumper so you have a further 8 lights, 4 on each side of the bumper. Some car owners choose to have extra lights placed on the dashboard and inside rear window of the car as well.

Most people do find changing the lights of a car to be rather tacky as most of the time they end up being changed to blue tint led which looks strange when all other cars have clear lighting. But many people find car styling as a passion and would rather their car stood out looking different than the same as everyone else. It is a matter of personal choice as to whether or not you want to change your car lights to an upgraded modern look or stick to the standard lights.

Car light modifications and the law
Like a lot of car modifications that you can do, there are legal aspects to take into consideration such as not altering the colours too much or changing them completely. You may want to check what is legal and not before spending the money on modifications as you may also fail the MOT in some cases. You must also make sure that the lighting installed is done correctly and by a qualified person; there have been reports of incorrect and amateur wiring that caused vehicles to catch fire, in this case your insurance provider would not cover the damage costs.

Always tell the insurer if you make any modifications to your car lighting as you may need a new quote, your annual premium may stay the same or go up depending on how much it has been modified and if it is a risk or not.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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