Skidded on black ice and hit a lamp post, how would that affect my insurance?

I am 17 and a named driver on my mums car. I had an accident in it where I skidded on black ice and hit a lamp post. Would the claim affect me or my mum? I'm bit confused about the whole situation. Basically would I have to tell my insurers that I had a claim put in or is it my mum, who it would affect?
3 Replies
Do you have comprehensive insurance and is there any damage done to your mum's car that you would like to get sorted through your insurance policy?
Since you're fully comp, you can put a claim in and the insurance will pay out. You will need to make the claim though not your mum because you were the one driving at the time of the accident. However, your mum will lose no claims bonus as she is the policy holder. You, as a named driver, don't get any NCD as such, only the main driver does.
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