How to reduce speeding ban?

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I got a 6 months driving ban a couple of days ago. I got 9 points for speeding and my last 3 were for a faulty tyre which I did not realise I had at the time. Does anybody know of any sort of course that I can do do to get it reduced. 6 months probably does not seem very long but as I use my car a lot and having 5 kids, any reduction would help.


2 Replies

Brian_1 Level 1

I have been looking at ways of trying to reduce my driving ban for speeding. I got 6 months ban. I have had my licence for 30 years and had never had any other convictions at all. I live in the country and cannot get public transport to work and I am now in debt for the first time ever with my morgage and still have 4 months to go. I would do any sort of driving course to get my licence back.

gices Level 6

I doubt there's any course that you can do to reduce your driving ban. For drink driving bans, there's a course because it's different in nature and the government wants to educate people about the dangers of drinking and driving as many people do not realise the risks they are taking.

For a 6 months driving ban however, you would normally have to serve the whole ban term since it is relatively short in duration.
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