Headlight converters - Making your headlamp beam conform to European standards

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Did you know that there are specific legal requirements for headlight beams whilst driving in most European countries? As most people in the EU drive on the right hand side, there is a high chance that cars used to be driven in the left lane can dazzle oncoming vehicles due to the beam pattern.

Headlamp beam converter kit
These are only necessary if you are driving to a European country where your headlamps do not conform to the current European motoring law. Headlamp adaptors are available to purchase both in the UK and at the various ferry crossings before you get to France. If you are not able to purchase and attach them before driving into an EU country where this law applies, you must make sure you purchase them as soon as possible. The law states you need your headlights on during dusk and dawn so make sure that the converters are fitted before you switch the headlights on, otherwise you may be stopped by the police.

Not all cars are compatible with beam converters so you need to check your car manual; in some cases you need to go to a mechanic who will be able to adjust the lamps for you. Always check prior to driving abroad and remember to change the lights back so they conform to UK standards of driving so drivers on the left do not get dazzled instead of the right.

How much do these headlight converters cost?
You can get them for an average of £8. They are self adhesive which means you should be able to easily stick them on your car's headlights. Newer car models may require that you fit them differently though and as long as you read the instructions carefully and understand it well, you should be fine.

Most European countries have strict rules about driving in the EU so make sure that other than headlight adapters, you have everything such as paperwork and insurance in place. Most places also require you to have high visibility vests and a warning triangle; police usually spot checks to ensure all drivers obey these rules.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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