Painted alloy wheels

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Alloy wheels have been in the top 5 when it comes to modifying and tuning cars so it was only a matter of time until they got more exciting and unique. Unless you have a lot of money to spend on alloy wheels, you are sure to find someone else with the same ones you have. The latest trend in car tuning and styling at the moment is painted alloy wheels.

Just like the name suggests painted alloy wheels have a little colour on it and are not so bland compared to the traditional styles. The most popular colour to take motorists by storm is the colour red. Usually parts of the rim are painted to increase the wow factor, but other parts of the alloy wheel can be painted too to make it stand out more.

If you want to save some money, then you can do it yourself rather than buying expensive alloy wheels that have been pre-painted. It takes a little patience and preparation but you can do them yourself without it looking amateur.

Here's how you can do some diy and get your alloy wheels painted

  • Remove the tyre and take the wheel off the car
  • Thoroughly clean the wheel removing any dirt and grime
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals as this can damage the wheel by corroding it
  • If there is lacquer or polish, it must be removed otherwise the paint will not stick to it properly
  • If there are any repairs to be made to the wheel, it should be done now by yourself or a specialist, most commonly corrosion and impact damage can be seen on the rim
  • Using a good quality metal primer build up thin layers of primer to help paint adhere to it afterwards
  • Only when the primer has dried thoroughly mask off areas that do not require the highlighted colour
  • Build up the paint in thin layers and avoid getting paint into the inside of the wheel where the tyre will meet the rim

Maintenance isn’t so high as you can touch up areas with a touch-up pen when you need to; in some extreme cases you can strip the wheel bare and create your own contrasting painted alloy wheel. There are many combinations available and you can be sure to find one that matches your taste and car. Some car manufacturers are now offering upgraded alloys to colour for a small price, you can choose your own combination or pick one that has already been created. Take the time to look at other people’s alloy wheels and come up with your own creation.

gices Level 6
I'm a Software Developer and the co-founder of Clever Dodo. Born in Mauritius and now living in the UK, I usually blog about fitness, music, spirituality and driving topics to pass on my knowledge.
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