Filling in my form D46P for over 70s

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  • I have my name and address on the top
  • I have my date of renewal
  • I have my driver number
  • I have written in my country
  • My full telephone number
  • My health tick no to all
  • Licence lost tick
  • Wrote in latest date
  • Signed the form

I had my last licence 3 years ago due to renewal.

I'm over 70 and making sure I have filled in my form correctly; it tells me there is no fees to pay.

2 Replies

anonymous_2 Level 1

i very recently sent in same form, but foolishly wrong, health questions are confusing, and got mine back, what i did, was where it says yes and no, i put a cross in box no, and proceeded to cross every condition, thinking i should because, i had none of those conditions, however when i studied the question properly, if you do not have any of said conditions, you leave boxes blank. not sure this will help, but hope some where along the line it has.

anonymous_2 Level 1

I have been driving mini buses as a volunteer since I have had a licence. Can I continue or is there a form I have to fill in and do I have to see the doctor to say I am fit to drive. I am 70 now.

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