Category A insurance write off

If a car has been given a Category A Write Off, then the car can only be sold to the scrap yard only. The same goes for the parts of the vehicle. In most cases the damage is too severe and so even after selling it to the scrap yard, the cost of recovery and delivery to the scrap yard is not always recovered.
Examples of Cat A Write Offs
Cars that are beyond repair usually fall under Cat Insurance A Write Off; this means the car has been completely demolished. This usually happens when the vehicle is involved in a very serious accident. For example just a few days ago, part of the M25 was closed due to a serious accident - a jack knife lorry had swerved to miss a car and as a result crushed a car against the railings and another slammed into the rear end of the lorry. The car crushed against the railings was a Category A Insurance Write Off whilst the other that crashed into the rear of the lorry could still be repaired. Write offs do not always occur because of an accident involving another moving vehicle and sometimes due to the weather the car can be written off as well. Cars that have received extensive damage due to flood damage can also be written off due to rust, damaged parts and corrosion.
Earthquakes are still very rare in the UK but occasionally they happen and sometimes cars are crushed by falling buildings resulting in a Category A Write Off. This was the case of a couple who lived further north a few years ago. An earthquake struck and a falling chimney breast crushed their car resulting in an insurance write off.
Can I buy an Car Insurance Category A Write Off?
Category A insurance write off vehicles should never be repaired and then sold off for a profit. The vehicle is deemed unsafe even when repaired so if you come across someone who is trying to sell a category A write off, the chances are the vehicle is a cut and shut. You should never even be tempted to buy a Cat A insurance write off even if the car is a bargain. If the vehicle is deemed unsafe to drive, then there is very good reason as to why they have introduced categories to help determine which vehicles can be saved and which are just not economically viable.
3 Replies
Scrap car ownership for insurance write off
If my car is a write off and the insurance has been paid, who has ownership of the vehicle as regards to parts that can be salvaged?
[Migrated from previous topic 10742 dated 15 Nov 2009]
When a car had been declared as a write-off by your insurance company, they will offer you a fair price for the current value of your vehicle following an assessment. Once you have accepted their offer, the car becomes the property of the insurer. They normally ask you to send your Vehicle Registration Certificate (Log Book) along with other relevant documents following the settlement of your claim. All personal belongings should be removed and keys supplied. The insurance company will then arrange for the car to be scrapped. So to answer your question, the insurance company normally gets ownership of the car unless you have arranged another agreement with them.
[Migrated from previous post 645 dated 15 Nov 2009]
If it happen that somenone is selling me a car of that nature, can reinsure that car, or sell it in near future?
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